Harmonious family atmosphere is closely related to the relationship a happy and harmonious marriage and harmonious. Family harmony has several aspects.
Hawari ( in Pure, 2004) suggested six aspects of a happy marital relationship is the handle:
1. Creating the religious life within the family. A harmonious family is marked by the creation of religious life in the house. This is important because in religion there are moral values and ethics of life. Based on several studies found that families who are not religious commitment planting low-or no religion at all tend to value there is a conflict of conflict and strife in the family, with an atmosphere like this, then the child will not feel comfortable at home and most likely the child will look for other environmental who can accept it.
2. Having time with family Harmonious family always make time to be with his family, whether they just come together, eat together, to accompany children to play and listen to problems and complaints of children, children in this togetherness will be needed and felt himself to be taken by his parents, so children will feel at home home.
3. Having good communication between family members Communication is the basis for the creation of harmony within the family. Meichati (in Pure, 2004) says that teenagers would feel safe if the parents appear unanimous, because the harmony will give you a sense of security and peace for children, good communication within the family will also be able to help young people to solve problems encountered outside the home, in this is in addition to acting as parents, mothers and fathers also have a role as a friend, so the children more freely and openly in conveying all the problems.
4. Mutual respect among family members Furhmann (in Pure, 2004) says that family harmony is the family that provides a place for each family member to appreciate the changes that occur and to teach skills in children as early as possible to interact with the wider environment.
5. Quality and quantity of conflict were minimal. Another factor is no less important in creating family harmony is the quality and quantity of conflict were minimal, if in frequent family disputes and quarrels, the atmosphere in the family is no longer fun. In harmonious families each family member trying to resolve the issue with a cool head and find the best solution of every problem.
6. The existence of a close relationship or bonding between family members. A close relationship between the family members also determine the harmony of a family, if in a family does not have a close relationship between family members so there is no sense of mutual belonging and a sense of togetherness will be less. A close relationship between these family members can be realized with the existence of togetherness, good communication between family members and mutual respect.
The six aspects are closely related have a relationship with another. The process of domestic happiness is determined from berfungis least six aspects mentioned above, to create a harmonious family roles and functions are critical of parents, families who are unhappy or not harmonious.
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